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** Squab is characterized by its delicious taste and high nutritional value despite its lack of meat. ** Squab tastes delicious, its nutritional value is high, it has amazing benefits for the health of the body despite its lack of meat, where it contains very high percentage of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C), mineral salts (sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus), minerals (zinc, iron, copper and selenium), proteins, fatty amino acids (omega-3 and omega-6) and natural fats. For the above, there are many benefits for the meat of the squab, including: Stimulating the immune system, activates the body and provides energy, treats insomnia and lack of sleep, activates the brain and improves its mental and cognitive functions and ability to concentrate, raises the level of HDL and lowers the LDL, adjusts the level of blood sugar, maintains and protects the heart from diseases, prevent blood clots, speed up healing of wounds, improve healing, stimulate blood circulation and increase blood flow in the arteries, it renews the skin cells and gives them health and flexibility, treats the digestive system of all its problems and strengthens the sense of smell, increases muscle and bone strength, strengthens nerves, relieves arthritis, strengthens hair and nails, nourishes them makes them healthy, maintains the hair color from the appearance of gray hair, a natural remedy for anorexia, improves the ability to taste, nourishes children and help them grow healthy. **Our products are non GMO, free of the residues of medicines and antibiotics, feeding on natural herbs, cultured grains and animal waste-free plant feed, reared in vast land under the sun and free air**